What we do

Inception of Defending Freedom(IDF), has the mission to mentor young service members, law enforcement officers and civil service workers (who have sworn the oath to support and defend the Constitution), hereinafter referred to as oath keepers, educating them the significance of their oath and its value. Mentoring oath keepers the difference between lawful and unlawful orders, how to legally question them, refuse them and report them. Bring awareness of the Constitutional Rights of ALL AMERICANS.

IDF is also committed to help our brothers and sisters in arms that have been abandoned by our government and the people. Many veterans live on the streets, jobless and suffering from mental illness without proper medical care, leaving them to resort to self medication with illicit drugs.

IDF is not a militia, it does not condone insubordination or mutiny. It simply is a beacon of hope. The hope to secure the Constitutional Rights of all United States Citizens for generations to come.

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