Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Racism - Part II - Follow the money

I am going to start off this post with apologizing for an error I have made on my last post. I have mentioned that racism (as in the discrimination of races as we know it today) didn't exist until the 19th century. Looking back at my notes I found that it is actually dates back to the 18th century.

However, why and how did we develop the new form of discrimination based off of color of skin? Or, an even better question, who developed racism as we know it today?

So I began to research commonalities between the sudden increase in discrimination for humans that weren't white and other historical events during the 17th and 19th century. Through the 17th and 19th century the merchants of the Atlantic slave trade relied heavily on credit from the several banks in England and Spain. During the American Revolution the banks were aware of the the new nation's intentions of becoming a country of free men. The banks needed a way to insure the trade of slaves in the Americas. Using Americans that also had interests in the cheap labor to maximize the profit margin of cotton and other valuable trades began to devide people by race as justification to discriminate against Africans. CLR James writes in his Modern Politics:

the conception of dividing people by race begins with its slave trade. Thus this [the slave trade] was so shocking, so opposed to all the conceptions of society which religious and philosophers had . . .the only justifications by which humanity could face it was to divide people into races and decide that Africans were an inferior race"

Mayer Amschel Rothschild sent his son Nathan Mayer Rothschild to Manchester to establish a bank in Great Britain. Nathan further exploited the slave trade by lending gold to a slave merchant then holding his slaves as collateral until repayment with credit. 

Before the Civil War, James Rothschild and the British Monarchy was so fearful of losing the slave trade which was their largest amount of income, they created and funded Knights of the Golden Circle to organize a coup before Abraham Lincoln could be inaugurated. When the KGC could no carry out the plans they became the main instigators for the southern states to vote for secession from the Union and thus leading into Civil War. In an issue of Executive Intelligence Review, a publication by Lyndon H. LaRouche. Jr. himself worte:

"The political evolution of the Knights of the Ku Klux 
Klan was a direct outcome of policies initiated during 
the first half of the 19th century by the British 
aristocracy and their "court Jews, the Rothschilds.
The starting point for unraveling this vast 
conspiratorial apparatus is the Knights of the Golden 

"The next phase of the KGC's activity was to organize 
a military coup in the U. S. before Lincoln could be 
inaugurated. The KGC was used primarily as the 
main terror force to ensure that the key Southern 
states voted for secession. Its stated organizational 
purpose indicates the extent of its intentions at the 
time of the 1860 election of Lincoln"

Today the same type of tyrants, the bankers, the Rothschilds, the Morgans, the big Wall Street bankers are using racism today to enslave all of us. To justify continuous violations of our Constitutional Rights, to create chaos, blind us of what is really happening, to convince you of the lie that we need something better than the Constitution, their replacement, their government, not the government of the people.

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