Thursday, December 4, 2014

In Eric's Honor

I recently wrote a two part post on racism and in my own way charging our tyrannic world government with inciting a form of discrimination to create violence and chaos. So that is where I stand on racism in America.

I decided give my two cents on the matter of Eric Garner's tragic death. Mainly on the grand jury's decision to not indict the police officer accused of killing Gardner by putting him in a chokehold.

I wanted to read some articles from several sources on the issue to make sure I know what the hell I am talking about. I noticed something on a CNN article that cought my eye. You can see on screen shot to the right where I highlighted CNN instigating the racial issue. This doesn't mean I have discounted the accusation of there being a racial issue, I am just stating that CNN really wanted to make sure you knew it was a black man and a white officer incident. Normally when you hear any other incident between a black officer and white man or any race between any different race, it is never mentioned in the article the races involve. Example below.
This story doesn't get nearly as much air time as Michael Brown incident or Eric Garner incident. This was an incident between an Asian police officer and a Black man. Not as big of news. Because why would a minority racially profile another?

Now what happened to Eric Gardner was tragic, and you have all seen the video of what happened and you can come to your own conclusion if it was murder or not. A point I would like to raise is, it is not like the justice system is broken. The tyrannic master is trying to make you think it is. Convincing you to turn over your Constitutional Rights over for his "fixed justice system". What I am talking about is, the Jury of our piers have decided that the Police Officer in question did not commit a crime. It was people like you and me, free Americans that made that decision, the rest of us may think it was unfair, but unfortunately we weren't there to make that decision. That doesn't mean that the justice system is broken and that we need to change it. If we ask our government to change the Bill of Rights, and that is exactly what they want you to do, then they will have their authority to throw away all of your Constitutional Rights.

All I am saying is be careful for what you ask for. Ask for your Constitutional Rights to be upheld by those that swore an oath to do so. Talk to your local law enforcement agencies, talk to your district attorneys, tell them that we want them to defend our Constitutional Rights. 

Lets demand for our Constitutional Rights in his memory.
Rest in peace Eric

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