Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dream or Nightmare?

Lately I have been in such a daze. Kind of like swimming through muck. Like in a hazy dream. When I think I wake up, it is almost like I woke up into a nightmare. I wake up to seeing a generation that is just herding into a slaughter house or like a bunch of beetles heading into a bug zapper.

Now into some sort of reality. Wtf, what is going on with today's society. Have we really become so numb to immorality. Lost of core principles that guides us into a functional society. I couple of days ago I was just appalled to what I saw and heard. During a brief at my command a speaker raised a question, he asked, what is Honor, Courage and Commitment (Navy's Core Values) to you? So he asked one of the junior sailors directly, what is Honor to you? The young sailor responded, "Its ummmmmm, doing the right thing". Ok I can see that answer, it is an empty one, but I can see it. Then the speaker says, good, "now what is Courage to you?", asking another junior sailor, just as dumb founded as the last one he answers, "ummmmmmmm, its, ummmmmmmm, doing the right thing?", the speakers says "great, good job". WTF! Ok, really? Then the speaker asked to another junior sailor "what is commitment to you?", once again "ummmmmmmm, doing the right thing even if you don't want to", speaker proudly aknowledges "great, so you see its like integrity". WTF! What is wrong with people! Really, its like integrity, come on! If we were back when I first joined the Navy nearly a decade ago you would get chewed out until you can answer proudly with an answer of substance. Two decades ago you would be doing mountain climbers until you either puked or you came up with an answer that gave your drill instructor a hard on.

I rather go back to my dazed slumber.

Let me tell you what those values mean to me.

  • Honor, having pride in my oath and everything that it entails no matter how hard it can be.
  • Courage, never fear reprisal, harm nor death for defending, supporting and upholding the Constitution of the United States
  • Commitment, to never turn my back to those that need me the most, to stand by my oath, not for personal glory or reward, but for the integrity of the freedoms inherited by the Bill of Rights.
Now that is substance.

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