Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ignorance is bliss

My intentions for this post was to talk about what I have so far researched about a case I am investigating. I changed my mind because of what I watched from a blog I normally read that pissed me off and what I have personally observed around me.
Let us watch this video before I start getting into the ignorance.

So the United States that we know now has declared war on Islam and using main stream media to promote its hatred for the religion. We are so ignorant to eat up this propaganda. Now some of you will probably stop reading my blog because you are going to think that I am unpatriotic.

At an Oath Keepers meeting I showed up not to long ago and I met this gentlemen. His name is Larry Wilske and he is running for Congress. As he spoke to us he identified himself as a Constitutionalist. Now I am not promoting his campaign, I have made it perfectly clear that IDF will not have a political stand. What I do want to discuss is something he spoke of in his speech that hit home for me. He said we are all Americans no matter what, you can be white, black, hispanic, asian, straight, gay, soldier, sailor, guardsmen, christian, muslim, hindu, budist, we are all Americans and that is what makes America beautiful. No matter what you believe in or what you stand for, we have been given a gift from our forefathers to practice, believe in anything that we want as long as we don't impose it or take away from others. The pursuit for happiness is everyone's right in America.

As of the other countries, should we be concern of what they do humanitarian wise, sure, we should condemn them, should we attach a religion to it, NO! You know why, because it has nothing to do with it. What those COUNTRIES due is what they are doing, it is not what the entire Muslim religion is doing, if a Muslim in the United States stoned his wife in his backyard we would charge him with aggravated assault or even attempted murder, but he would be condemned as a person, not his entire religion, now if a Christian goes and murders his wife for cheating on him, guess what, we charge him with murder, do we go around condemning Christianity? The answer is no. So why should we do that with Muslims.

I would like to ask my readers to do your research. My son was born with some medical problems that almost led to his death in numerous occasions, he had through out the years 5 different neurologists, guess who saved his life on numerous occasions, his neurologist that so happened to be Muslim. He is a pediatric neurologist that has nothing but love in his heart to help children no matter what religion they are or what race they are. In a few occasions I have asked him about his religion, and one day he gave me a Koran. I read through it, couldn't find anything that said go kill Christians, as matter in fact, most of the doctrine is identical to Christianity, they just believe in a different savior and a different God, just as other religions do as well.

There are extremest in every religion. Including mine and I am a Christian. Just look at the Hillsborough Baptist Church, they claim to be Christians and they hate everyone. News flash everyone! I am Hispanic-American. My mom is Spanish from Spain, I was raised in Spain as an American citizen. I love this country so much because of its diversity, I take every moment of my life to understand other peoples cultures and to take the best of it and use it. That is what makes me a better person, because I can take any strength from any person and adapt it to my abilities and strengths.

I have dedicated my life to my oath, and my oath is to the Constitution of the United States which protects the rights of all AMERICANS. Guess what ladies and gentlemen, there are Muslim Americans and when we attack their religion because of what other countries do is infringing their constitutional rights, we allow our Government to wage war on their religion its infringing on their Constitutional rights. Its my sworn duty and responsibility to uphold their Constitutional rights. Will you fulfill your oath to do the same?

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