Monday, November 3, 2014

Saddest Post

So there has been many of you that have been nothing but supportive and helping get word out, and I am nothing but appreciative for your kind gestures. Unfortunately in the world we live in we can't do much without resources or funds. I have been working on Inception of Defending Freedom for little over a month and it doesn't seem like it is getting any traction. I feel that IDF could be a major turning point in our country, to really get good people in our armed forces, law enforcement and local civil offices to defend our Constitution that poses constant threat to be destroyed. IDF would also be a beacon of hope for those that have already sacrificed enough to know they are still needed, wanted and cared about.

I personally am losing hope, if I can't get this project moving by Christmas I will have no choice but to pull the plug on the whole thing. My hope is that we can pull through, but if we can't, I hope that other organizations can take my strategy and run with it, because it is one I believe can work, it just needs fuel.

I am hoping for the best.

1 comment:

  1. "The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment."
    ~ Tony Robbins
