Friday, November 7, 2014

Orphans of the American Dream

So sorry my friends, I know my blogs are far apart. It has been a crazy last couple of weeks, and its about to get worse, but I will do my best.

I wanted to write about an epidemic. Greater than Ebola, greater than ISIS, greater than mexican cartels. You see it every day yet you do nothing about it, I personally have been guilty of this.

Craig Blankenhorn for The New York Times
Missy Race, 22, and her 10-month-old son, David Martinez, are living in transitional housing. Because she is unable to afford day care, it is difficult for her to go on job interviews: “If I bring David with me, I know I won’t get the job because it’s unprofessional.

Every day we pass by people on the streets that have hit rock bottom. No politician pays an attention, most American citizens chop it up as these unfortunates being lazy. Just disgusting how we treat people. We complain as a nation that there are too many illegal immigrants in this country yet most American business owners hire them over our own citizens.

Paul Mayerchak, 51, was 29 when he went into the U.S. Navy. He was a gas turbine mechanic. Since leaving the service, he has had a hard life on the streets. — Peggy PeattieWhen most Americans see a homeless person they see a drug addict, an alcoholic, a thief, a thug, a bum. Why can't we see an American who has been robbed from there Constitutional Rights. Why can't we see a mother, a father, a daughter, a son, a farmer, a veteran, a teacher, and most importantly a brother or sister in need.

The epidemic is not the rise of homeless in America, it is the rise of ignorance. We have allowed tyranny to kill the American Dream. This death has left orphans, you see them every day. Well James, what can I do, I am just one person, I can't do anything. No you can't, you are only one person, f***ing team up a##hole, help someone out, get them a shower, clean clothes and take them to an interview. If you have a business give them a chance. You will be surprised. If you are a health professional, do some f***ing pro bono. Get your community to put in a money pot and go out and give some hand ups. Take care of one another. Don't you see, the tyrant wants us to leave a soldier behind, it weakens us.

Wake up America, if you don't, when you do, you will wake up under a dictatorship.


  1. Thanks for your writings. I am busy too. I just got 2 new jobs that take up most of my time. I will only be on the Net on weekends when I can find time.

    Keep the faith.


  2. This man was .is my friend .. Paul Mayerchak was found under a freeway in old town san diego. . After he went missing months ago he was found by his brother under a bridge dead for ruffly 2 months .. talk about the streets was his death was known. .but not reported or even told where he could be found. ... their are alot of unanswered questions that dont fit.. I know you are in a better place now Paul.. thank you for your service. .. WhiteWolf

  3. This man is my brother,I will raise hell til I die to find the person or persons responsible for murdering my brother.... Veronica Mayerchak Gamberdella
