Saturday, November 15, 2014

Strategy (Part I)

Today I wanted to write about what I believe the threat is against the Constitution of the United States, and what is Inception of Defending Freedom's strategy to preserve it. Lets begin with the enemy.

Most Americans have been blinded by a smoke screen of false politics and the capital's drama. Most of us are too hung up on conservatism vs. liberalism, terrorism and illegal immigration. This is all just a decoy to distract you from the real threat. Let me introduce you to your King, Dictator, Emperor or Tyrant.
OK, so its not the dollar itself. Do anyone know who controls the Federal Reserve? It is not our government, I can tell you this much. As a matter in fact, not many in the government knows who runs the Federal Reserve. When you visit the federal reserve official website you are able to see the structure of how the Federal Reserve is ran. It makes it seem that is run by appointed board members appointed by the President every 14 years. When you dig further you find out that there is a lot more to it. There are 12 district banks through out the nation that monitors and mints the nation's money. When I went to each individual bank's website, you can immediate see the run independent from each other, each running its own projects and businesses. 
Image map of the United States with links to websites of the Federal Reserve Districts

The Federal Reserve in itself claims to not be a private identity, the following is mentioned in its official website.
Do you see the play of words. "Authorized by Congress", "appointed by the President", and then the wamie "President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of government do not have to approve any decisions made by the Federal Reserve". So tell me who makes the decisions, the board, the presidents of the individual banks, who makes executive decisions of what happens to our nation's money. Who is actually running our central bank? The billion dollar question. So check it out. The last paragraph in the screenshot above, it mentions "certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System". What does that mean?

Each Federal Reserve Bank is assigned a district, the private banks within those districts buy stock from the Federal Reserve Bank receiving a guaranteed 6% dividend. Now the Federal Reserve System makes it seem like in the surface as if this is the only benefit for the stock holding banks, but when you read the Federal Reserve Act you quickly find out that is not the case. According to the FR Act Section 4 explains who the board of directors are of each Federal Reserve Bank, 3 to 6 directors are represented by the stock-holding banks. Ding Ding Ding, so who runs the Federal Reserve Banks? 

Who else would have the most interest and how tax payers money is used, monitored distributed. So that is the Federal Reserve for you. There is so much more other than the Federal Reserve all though I feel the biggest enemies hide in this portion of the system. You still have the lobbyist, the bank and corporation owners we elect into government, the foreign central banks that buy stock into the ours, etc. These are the people that have the biggest interest in how our government is ran and they don't give to shits about the Constitution and our rights. Not to mention that the a central bank is unconstitutional.

I can go on and on how wars are fought in the interest of these puppet masters, and believe it or not they have a puppet master of their own. Every legislative decision is based off of what these tyrants need, how they are going to make their money, how they are going to profit. Everything from veteran's care to the control of the press. Do the research and you can see that there is only a couple of hand-full of people that are running all of it, and it is not by the people or for the people.

Now you know who your masters are, lets discuss our strategy to defeat and regain our Constitutional Rights. Stay tune for Part II. 

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