Sunday, November 16, 2014

Strategy (Part II)

Narrator with Deep Voice: "Now the Conclusion"

The above was humor. Ok, let us get to the point now. Here is what I believe is the best strategy to defeat the enemy. Now I don't think many are ready for this strategy, it will take for you to dump a lot of things you believed were truths and forget about them. The honest truth is in the words of Colonel Nathan Jessup "you can't handle the truth". Figured I add one more humor comment. All though, the point still stands, you wouldn't be able to handle it, in order to handle it you have to drop all that you believe is true.

Stop watching main stream media, that is FoxNews, CNN, MSNBC, CBN, ABC and all of its little sisters. Do the research, and there are plenty of independent journalists, underground media, low stream media and they always mention their sources and if you do a little research you will find it is credible. Here are some examples:

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Next part of the strategy is to start realizing where our strengths are. On 1775 our forefathers established the greatest force ever to be conceived. The Congressional Navy and then in 1776 the Congressional Army. They fought tyrants then, they can fight the tyrants again. They are now called the United States Armed Forces. Their purpose is still the same, the problem is, it has been infiltrated and the infiltrators have been purposely neglecting to train newer generation of soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen of their purpose. Lets take back our Armed Forces, let us educate and train our service members that the oath they have made is to the Constitution of the United States, that all orders must be in legal standing with the Constitution and all other orders will be disobeyed and reported. That all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC to the Constitution of the United States will be challenged. We also have our brothers and sisters in Law Enforcement. They too have been infiltrated, they are the first line of defense. 
Click Image to Enlarge
Besides the Constitution, we have one more document that gives us the right to take back our Constitutional Rights, the Declaration of Independence, "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Our strategy is pretty simple, and in summary is goes as follows:

1. Don't trust the main stream media
2. Mentor our service members, law enforcement officers, and civil servants in obeying defending and uphold Constitutional orders. To disobey and report unconstitutional orders.
3. To be kind to one another, stop this senseless disrespect to one another, take care of each other, help each other, don't let the tyrant turn us on one another.

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