Sunday, November 23, 2014

Oath Keepers Org Are Liars

After the attack by the idiots on twitter who claimed to be oath keepers after I had defended Islam practicing Americans, I decided to report them to the Organization. To my surprise I got a response pretty immediate but it was to ask more questions of the incident. I answered all the questions and told them that I would like a formal apology and training to those members. Two weeks later haven't gotten any feedback.

So far my encounter with the Oath Keepers hasn't been a good one. I went to branch meeting here in San Diego that wasn't really impressive, it felt like a GOP rally and very not tasteful conversations, talking about Michelle Obama being a transvestite and so on. Then the twitter thing, and what I have seen on YouTube, it really doesn't seem like they aren't what they say they are. They are full of members that have hate for anyone that is not a Protestant Christian, hate for Hispanic-Americans or Latino-Americans. They hate everyone that is not a Republican, and they believe that the Constitutional Bill of Rights only belongs to a select number of Americans. Does this sound like someone that can uphold their oath.

Being an oath keeper to me means being faithful to the oath you made to support, defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution was meant for the ALL citizens of the United States of America. No matter color of your skin, religion you practice, who you sleep with in your bedroom (as long as it is consensual) or your your preferred political party.  Anyone that doesn't want to protect the Constitutional Rights for ALL AMERICANS is not an oath keeper in my book.

This is why I feel that Inception of Defending Freedom is the only one true Organization that can and will defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic. That includes anyone from the so called Oath Keepers Organization.

What I would like from the Oath Keepers Org is very simple, a formal apology, and show me that they are training all members that the Constitution applies to all Americans and that they will defend, support and uphold it for all Americans.

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