Friday, October 10, 2014

Let Us Take Action

Ok, so I didn't get to go shoot some footage I wanted today for my special blog post today. The reason is because I broke my finger today and spent a good chunk of my time at an ER.

So hopefully I can do this without it.

My plan was to go interview several unemployed and/or homeless veterans so they can explain for themselves what led them to that point in their life. I personally have talked to a few of these unfortunate veterans, and the theme is pretty common. Our government (which is meant to be us the people) has abandoned these vets, turned a blind eye, and a lot of us citizens has done the same, by not giving them the opportunity to maintain a job. The truth is, employers are afraid of veterans due to so many suffer from mental illness such as depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders and others. Employers don't want to deal with it, even though its the same employers and citizens that have gotten them to that point for not standing up against the government.

So what I want to do is grow IDF to a bigger entity to help support my brothers and sisters. So I started a GoFundMe campaign. The funds will be used to gather the resources necessary to support our cause and 50% of what ever amount we make will go directly to help give a hand up to as many veterans we can. So please help. As a little incentive, if you donate $100 or more, you will receive an IDF t-shirt. Please lets put things into action. Lets actually do what this country has been begging for someone to do for a long time. Lets take action. Thank you in advance for your support.

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