Saturday, October 18, 2014


I had an interesting exchange of comments on a Google+ post which I found completely pointless. The post was on the US Military Community which is owned by Tony S.O. (A.K.A. Sargent Tony Hardass?) and the post was from him. Here is a screenshot

 So he claims that under President Obama there hasn't been a Surgeon General. Misleading the members of the community in order to discredit President Obama. Now keep in mind, I don't give two shits about President Obama, he is my Commander-in-Chief. But how many times have I mentioned my loyalty is not to him but to the Constitution of the United States?

I was compelled to correct the discrepancy because I felt that this post was misleading and disrespectful to the current Acting Surgeon General. Here are the series of comments:

James Pace
Yesterday 3:35 PM 
You realize that the Surgeon General is a military position, right? Have you ever seen a ship without a Commanding Officer? There is a Surgeon General, just not one confirmed by the Senate. In any military position there will always be someone filling it. Here is your Acting Surgeon General, how about we give credit where credit is due, Rear Admiral (RADM) Boris D. Lushniak, M.D., M.P.H. He has earned the position due to his unwavering sense of duty and commitment to the Constitution of the United States. Not rooting for President Obama on this one, just my fellow brother in arms.
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Tony S.O.
Yesterday 4:00 PM
The position of Surgeon General has been vacant since July 2013. You do realize that no active duty military commander's position has been ever left vacant for a year and a half. That's just plain dereliction on the part of politicians particularly the POTUS and Congress. I'm certain the interim is a fine man, but that's not the point of this post. The fact remains that bipartisan interests and a stubborn refusal to act in the best interests of the US rather than political arm wrestling has resulted in what is an embarrassing stalemate.
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James Pace
Yesterday 4:24 PM 
It is not Vacant though, the position is filled. Every Naval Ship in the U.S. Navy has a CO, it always is filled because if not you can't run a ship. Every CO must be sanctioned by Congress to be filled, if there was ever anytime where that is not the case due to a firing of a CO someone will always be there to fill the spot until Congress puts someone else in. The Surgeon General is no different, he is the CO of the Commission Health Corps. Trust me Tony, I highly dislike President Obama as much as you do, but this doesn't prove anyone that he is an evil man, all it says is that since RADM Lushniak is doing such a fine job, it is not a priority to find someone to replace him at this point. You mislead people by saying there isn't a Surgeon General when there is an amazing one in office right now
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Tony S.O.
Yesterday 5:36 PM 
+James Pace I'm not misleading anyone. I served six years in a boomer so you're preaching to the choir. Never in the annals of military history has a command been left neglected and unfilled for longer than a very short period in which the chain of command is utilized. This position has not been permanantly filled for almost a year and a half. You are actually misleading people with your apple and orange analogy of active duty military officers compared to a politically appointed post that happens to bear a military rank. To say there's "no difference" is ludicrous. Again, whether the interim is doing well or not is moot. And yet again, it's not the essence of this post.
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James Pace
Yesterday 6:29 PM
I think I have said enough that people will make their own conclusions. My personal opinion, I think many of my brothers and sisters in arms, like your self, are fighting the wrong fight. There is a greater enemy than some petty politicians. Guess what when that enemy launches its attack to destroy the Constitution, we won't be prepared because we were to worried about a position being filled or not
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Tony S.O.
Yesterday 6:36 PM 
+James Pace Thats pure bullshit. I would like to think most patriots can multitask. The "petty politicians" are the reason the US is in dire straits today. Try to think past the unfilled position to the deeper underlying problem. The lack of cohesion and the avarice that exists in our country's leadership has been and continues to be the single most detrimental facet to a united people.
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James Pace
Yesterday 6:47 PM
You can go ahead and play patriot and listen to Rush Limbaugh and watch Fox News, or if you are on the other side, watch Andy Cooper and CNN. I will keep watch and defend and support the Constitution against the enemy that was warned by Presidents Thomas Jefferson, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.
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Tony S.O.
Yesterday 8:02 PM
+James Pace I was wondering how long it would be before you became personal in this discussion. It's a sign of cognitive deficiency and immaturity you know. Don't feel bad. Most liberals resort to footstomping when they are in above their heads. I will retort. You are presumptuous to even pretend to know my political inclinations. What is it that you do so gallantly to "support the Constitution" other than say you do. Actually as I see you, your nothing more than a poor, frustrated liberal defending the undefendable. Carry on little man.
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James Pace
Yesterday 8:28 PM
Just goes to show how much you would know my brother. Nearly 10 years of honoring my oath to support and defend the Constitution and continue to do so. I plan to mentor and train others what that means. Trust me my brother it has nothing to do with politics. The Constitution is beyond that. It is under attack by a far greater enemy than what you are fighting, and the only ones that will be able to defend it are those that have taken the oath to defend it and understand what that means, and what it will take.
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Tony S.O.
4:14 AM
+James Pace Since you've mentioned it at least 15 times, I have six years active duty DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION and 20+ years as a street cop where we are sworn to DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION. Know your audience pal.
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James Pace
9:05 AM
I know my audience, all I see is a hick that things defending the Constitution means bashing people over the internet and posting unfounded propaganda. I don't even want to imagine how you were as a cop. I know plenty of good cops that believe in upholding the Constitution, but I have met just as many that don't even know what that means, they go and abuse their power violating peoples Constitutional rights, arresting without cause, search and seizure without a warren or probable cause. I don't think you would know the first thing it means to uphold the Constitution of the United States, as a matter in fact you will probably ban me from the group or something like that and violating my First Amendment Right.
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Tony S.O.
9:32 AM
NYC is a hick town? You know what, you began this little tirade. As I said before, you're a presumptuous small minded liberal who believes he's a hero and touts his great constitutional prowess. Learn up son. Not everyone wraps themselves in the flag and expects accolades. Your First Ammendment rights...lmfao. They don't apply to privately run social communities you fool. Read a book man!
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James Pace
10:04 AM
you heard it from +Tony S.O. he is above the supreme law of the land, said like a true NYC Police Officer. This is to the rest of you, if you believe I am a liberal, you will reconsider if you read my blog and see what I am doing to preserve the Constitution

This is my cause, this should be your cause. This is the type of training our young new generation of law enforcement officers, military members are getting. They don't have the first clue of what it means to defend your Constitutional Rights. If this doesn't inspire you to help me support the cause of IDF then I am not sure what will.

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