Monday, October 6, 2014


I decided to conduct a little experiment today. The idea came to me when I over heard two individuals who so happen to be fellow service members. They were debating why same sex marriage was wrong. Individual A said that it was wrong because it was unconstitutional, that states in the constitution that marriage is between man and a woman. Individual B disagree with Individual A, and for a moment I got excited, because I figured that Individual B would correct him in the difference between the Constitution and religion, boy was I wrong, Individual B's response was "No stupid, that's the Bill of Rights". Ugghhh. So it got me wondering, how many young individuals know anything about the Constitution.

I began to ask the simplest of questions. For example, "what is the second amendment in the bill of rights?" 2 out 6 answered it correctly. Then I asked another simple question "where does the term "plea the fifth" come from?" 0 out of 6. I went into a little bit more difficult question, "please state the preamble of the Constitution?" Nothing, 0 out of 6.

So tell me how is it possible for these young service members to defend our freedoms if they don't even know what those are, what our rights are, who decides what? This is why it is without a doubt that we need to take the bull by its horns and do something. We need veterans, Oath Keepers and senior ranking active duty members to mentor this new generation. They are not doing it in the schools, they are not doing it at home, they sure hell not doing it on the TV, movies or video games. This is the generation that we supposedly have hope in but we are failing by not teaching them anything so how in the hell are they going to know how to defend the Constitution and the rights that are inherited by it.

I call for all citizens, military, law enforcement and civil officers that believe in the oath you have made and find a young service member and mentor them. Through my almost 10 years of service I have mentored a hand full of young members, and that is where my hope is. Because I know that they will take what they have learned from me and teach it to others. I know that when they receive an unlawful order that they will question it, because they know the supreme law of the land, they know which legislation are lawful and unlawful, because they know who to report violations to, they know how to run up a chain of command. But they needed training, they needed mentorship.

You made an oath. That oath is for life. Don't give up.

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