Sunday, November 30, 2014

Racism - Part I - Understanding

When originally doing research on the topic of racism my focus was going to be in this great nation of ours. The more digging I did the more I realized that this isn't just an American problem, it is an international problem. In a perfect world and in a mathematical world their is a solution to every problem as long as you know and understand the problem. To solve the problem of racism in our country we have to first understand the problem.

Now I was going to flood the rest of this blog with research and sources. You know what I will share my own experience instead.

Growing up in Spain as a half American and half Spanish I was bullied quite a bit, now I don't hold it against the country as a whole, I had some decent friends growing up. The truth is discrimination in general just might be a natural feeling just as anger, happiness or annoyance. Just like those natural feelings it has to develop to be channeled appropriately. In a functional family the parents normally would raise the children and teach them how to channel their emotions in a functional manner. Discrimination seems to be the one that we forget about.

Racism is actually a relatively recent form of discrimination. Race as we know it today wasn't even a label for humans until the 19th century. Scientifically we are all the same race no matter the color of your skin. Before the 19th century discrimination didn't really have anything to do with race as we know it today. Discrimination had more to do with where you were from and if you were from a society that has been conquered or not. For example when the Roman Empire conquered Gaul (now known as Northern Europe) the inhabitants were discriminated against and enslaved to Roman citizens. Even within the Rome discrimination was also applicable to class, and if you were the lowest of the classes you would be treated like crap and possibly also enslaved regardless of the color of your skin. So what happened at the turn of the 19th century that discrimination took a new form of racism?

Friday, November 28, 2014

We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant

This is something I've been wanting to share for quite some while. I would like to thank John Williamson for sharing this on Google+

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Big Statistic: Divorce

Tonight I will write about something different than what I usually write about. I believe it may be because I am part of this statistic. Maybe it is something that has effected me greatly and I wish this on no one. A friend once told me it is the strategy of the faceless tyrant to break up our families to weaken us. What I do know is that it has weighed heavenly in my mind the past couple of weeks. So I decided to do research on the issue and find out some facts.

The biggest player in doing the studies on divorce rates in the military complex is RAND Corporation, a think tank formed to offer research and analysis for the United States Armed Forces. RAND has done studies dating back since the Vietnam war. Some of the more common trends contributing to divorce seems to be stress in the work place. There were two different studies thought that really caught my eye.

A study by Michael Pollard from RAND made an interesting observation of the population that are attracted to the military and those that tend to marry to that same population. "military selects vulnerable people, who would be at elevated risk for divorce if they were civilians." (Comparing Rates of Marriage and Divorce in Civilian, Military, and Veteran Populations, by Michael Pollard.) To be fair, this study was done in 2007 and compared to today most people joining the military came from broken homes. Now a days who isn't from a broken home. Another note from this study was that active duty women were more likely to want to divorce their spouse and civilian women were more likely to want to divorce their active duty spouse. This leaves the study a bit inconsistent and further studies would have to be made due to this variable. Something I noticed though in my decade of active duty service is that most active duty women tend to marry active duty men, not sure if this was considered by Michael Pollard.

The second study done by Brighita Negrusa and Sebastian Negrusa suggests that active duty members returning from a deployment with PTSD or other mental health issues such as depression are more likely to end in divorce with their spouse. They have a good argument when it was noted that officers are less likely to return with PTSD but the ones that did were more likely to divorce. This was consistent with the studies done with the enlisted.

In the end, for me it doesn't really matter. I was heart broken that my ex-wife wanted a divorce and not totally necesarily for me. In any marriage that ends in divorce where my heart goes out to are the children. The tyrant wants to target them with promoting the big D word. He knows that without family unity the likelihood of children growing up to be functional and productive members of society is low. The tyrant is weakening the families, the children and society. The ones that suffer are my little ones. I miss them every day, not a day goes by that I don't think about them and what their future may end up being without a strong unified family unit. All I can do is hope for the best.
My Little Ones

Coming Soon

Hey loyal readers. Sorry for the lack of writing. Stay tune, I will have something for you today.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Oath Keepers Org Are Liars

After the attack by the idiots on twitter who claimed to be oath keepers after I had defended Islam practicing Americans, I decided to report them to the Organization. To my surprise I got a response pretty immediate but it was to ask more questions of the incident. I answered all the questions and told them that I would like a formal apology and training to those members. Two weeks later haven't gotten any feedback.

So far my encounter with the Oath Keepers hasn't been a good one. I went to branch meeting here in San Diego that wasn't really impressive, it felt like a GOP rally and very not tasteful conversations, talking about Michelle Obama being a transvestite and so on. Then the twitter thing, and what I have seen on YouTube, it really doesn't seem like they aren't what they say they are. They are full of members that have hate for anyone that is not a Protestant Christian, hate for Hispanic-Americans or Latino-Americans. They hate everyone that is not a Republican, and they believe that the Constitutional Bill of Rights only belongs to a select number of Americans. Does this sound like someone that can uphold their oath.

Being an oath keeper to me means being faithful to the oath you made to support, defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution was meant for the ALL citizens of the United States of America. No matter color of your skin, religion you practice, who you sleep with in your bedroom (as long as it is consensual) or your your preferred political party.  Anyone that doesn't want to protect the Constitutional Rights for ALL AMERICANS is not an oath keeper in my book.

This is why I feel that Inception of Defending Freedom is the only one true Organization that can and will defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic. That includes anyone from the so called Oath Keepers Organization.

What I would like from the Oath Keepers Org is very simple, a formal apology, and show me that they are training all members that the Constitution applies to all Americans and that they will defend, support and uphold it for all Americans.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

State of IDF

I'd like to start with an apology for not posting any posts for the past week. It has been another crazy week at my job and a crazy week for my personal life. I assure you that I haven't kept my eye off the ball though. Last Thursday I bought $100 worth of warm clothes. My plan was to pass these out to homeless veterans that we have identified out in the streets of San Diego. This will be postponed for a later date due to an issue we ran into when scouting.

As far as the Christmas Dinner we were going to plan for homeless veterans, this will be canceled due to lack of support. Not being an official non-profit organization made restaurant owners nervous and donors scared that their money would be robbed.

For the next few months my efforts will be to turn IDF into an official non-profit organization. I will be reaching out to marketing firms and lawyers for pro-bono work and hope that we can get this going.

If you are interested in helping at all please email me at Thanks.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Strategy (Part II)

Narrator with Deep Voice: "Now the Conclusion"

The above was humor. Ok, let us get to the point now. Here is what I believe is the best strategy to defeat the enemy. Now I don't think many are ready for this strategy, it will take for you to dump a lot of things you believed were truths and forget about them. The honest truth is in the words of Colonel Nathan Jessup "you can't handle the truth". Figured I add one more humor comment. All though, the point still stands, you wouldn't be able to handle it, in order to handle it you have to drop all that you believe is true.

Stop watching main stream media, that is FoxNews, CNN, MSNBC, CBN, ABC and all of its little sisters. Do the research, and there are plenty of independent journalists, underground media, low stream media and they always mention their sources and if you do a little research you will find it is credible. Here are some examples:

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RT logo
Next part of the strategy is to start realizing where our strengths are. On 1775 our forefathers established the greatest force ever to be conceived. The Congressional Navy and then in 1776 the Congressional Army. They fought tyrants then, they can fight the tyrants again. They are now called the United States Armed Forces. Their purpose is still the same, the problem is, it has been infiltrated and the infiltrators have been purposely neglecting to train newer generation of soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen of their purpose. Lets take back our Armed Forces, let us educate and train our service members that the oath they have made is to the Constitution of the United States, that all orders must be in legal standing with the Constitution and all other orders will be disobeyed and reported. That all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC to the Constitution of the United States will be challenged. We also have our brothers and sisters in Law Enforcement. They too have been infiltrated, they are the first line of defense. 
Click Image to Enlarge
Besides the Constitution, we have one more document that gives us the right to take back our Constitutional Rights, the Declaration of Independence, "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Our strategy is pretty simple, and in summary is goes as follows:

1. Don't trust the main stream media
2. Mentor our service members, law enforcement officers, and civil servants in obeying defending and uphold Constitutional orders. To disobey and report unconstitutional orders.
3. To be kind to one another, stop this senseless disrespect to one another, take care of each other, help each other, don't let the tyrant turn us on one another.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Strategy (Part I)

Today I wanted to write about what I believe the threat is against the Constitution of the United States, and what is Inception of Defending Freedom's strategy to preserve it. Lets begin with the enemy.

Most Americans have been blinded by a smoke screen of false politics and the capital's drama. Most of us are too hung up on conservatism vs. liberalism, terrorism and illegal immigration. This is all just a decoy to distract you from the real threat. Let me introduce you to your King, Dictator, Emperor or Tyrant.
OK, so its not the dollar itself. Do anyone know who controls the Federal Reserve? It is not our government, I can tell you this much. As a matter in fact, not many in the government knows who runs the Federal Reserve. When you visit the federal reserve official website you are able to see the structure of how the Federal Reserve is ran. It makes it seem that is run by appointed board members appointed by the President every 14 years. When you dig further you find out that there is a lot more to it. There are 12 district banks through out the nation that monitors and mints the nation's money. When I went to each individual bank's website, you can immediate see the run independent from each other, each running its own projects and businesses. 
Image map of the United States with links to websites of the Federal Reserve Districts

The Federal Reserve in itself claims to not be a private identity, the following is mentioned in its official website.
Do you see the play of words. "Authorized by Congress", "appointed by the President", and then the wamie "President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of government do not have to approve any decisions made by the Federal Reserve". So tell me who makes the decisions, the board, the presidents of the individual banks, who makes executive decisions of what happens to our nation's money. Who is actually running our central bank? The billion dollar question. So check it out. The last paragraph in the screenshot above, it mentions "certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System". What does that mean?

Each Federal Reserve Bank is assigned a district, the private banks within those districts buy stock from the Federal Reserve Bank receiving a guaranteed 6% dividend. Now the Federal Reserve System makes it seem like in the surface as if this is the only benefit for the stock holding banks, but when you read the Federal Reserve Act you quickly find out that is not the case. According to the FR Act Section 4 explains who the board of directors are of each Federal Reserve Bank, 3 to 6 directors are represented by the stock-holding banks. Ding Ding Ding, so who runs the Federal Reserve Banks? 

Who else would have the most interest and how tax payers money is used, monitored distributed. So that is the Federal Reserve for you. There is so much more other than the Federal Reserve all though I feel the biggest enemies hide in this portion of the system. You still have the lobbyist, the bank and corporation owners we elect into government, the foreign central banks that buy stock into the ours, etc. These are the people that have the biggest interest in how our government is ran and they don't give to shits about the Constitution and our rights. Not to mention that the a central bank is unconstitutional.

I can go on and on how wars are fought in the interest of these puppet masters, and believe it or not they have a puppet master of their own. Every legislative decision is based off of what these tyrants need, how they are going to make their money, how they are going to profit. Everything from veteran's care to the control of the press. Do the research and you can see that there is only a couple of hand-full of people that are running all of it, and it is not by the people or for the people.

Now you know who your masters are, lets discuss our strategy to defeat and regain our Constitutional Rights. Stay tune for Part II.