Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Different World

I had an idea of what to write about tonight and did a lot of research. Through this time researching it led me to one thing and another to my final conclusion that we live in a f**ked up world.

My initial thought of my blog was to write about veterans being abandoned, either by our government or our people and why do we allow it, as my research went on and trying to find footage on youtube I found that we are a selfish and self-centered nation. I mean there are people that care but in perspective, in scale its just a handful of us. As a nation we really don't care about anyone.

Once upon a time we declared as a new nation the following, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I read a story about an officer that fought alone trying to protect a mentally ill man from getting beat by her colleagues, and then she was fired. F***, I just f***ing witnessed a Seaman disrespect a Second Class Petty Officer, WTF. I watched a youtube video of a little 5 year old girl stand alone in a busy street and no one stopping to see if she was ok, or if she was lost. WTF happened to us as a Nation. WTF happened to us as f***ing people. We have a Marine that sits unjustly in prison in Mexico and we think its an amazing story but no one does anything about it.

It is no wonder the Globalist are so close of executing their agenda to establish a new world order, population reduction, and slavery of the lower classes.

What do we do? You know what I hate. I hate when I hear someone say, your voice makes a difference, your vote makes a difference. I f***ing hate it because it is not true, you know what is going to make a difference? Numbers, we need to get together in large numbers and speak out, we need to get other people to see and include them in the numbers to fight. Go ahead, read this blog and then go sit idle. Here is an alternative, join me and others with me to fight.

If you want to help you can contact me
PO BOX 3131
National City, CA 91951

Thursday, October 23, 2014


I know I said I would write a blog based off of my last post but I didn't get the participation I anticipated. Thank you so much for my good pals that did participate, thank you so much, I am always happy that I have your support.

Today's blog is on a realization that I have made today as I was waiting in line at the mess decks, or as my brothers and sisters from other branches call it "chow hall". This new generation have been surrendered. They have been surrendered to MTV, BET, VH1, TruTV, Son's of Anarchy and Walking Dead. The previous outlets mentioned are the nannies of the enemy.

As I waited in line for chow a few of my little brothers in arms decided that it would be ok to just cut in line. When I asked why, they were surprised that I asked, like I was from another planet. They just couldn't understand how I didn't understand why it is ok for them to cut. So I told them, "look, I am just going to go ahead and cut back in front of you and if the people behind me want to keep their mouth shut they can, I am not waiting behind you when I was here first". Once I sat down to enjoy the Navy's world famous lasagna, I over heard some of my little brothers talking, and they were talking like what people from my generation and prior would call "common thugs". They were having a legitimate conversation, don't get me wrong, but the manner was thugish. I just couldn't process.

It is no wonder how it is easy to get this new bread of service men and women to pretty much do anything you order them to do even if it is illegal, all you have to do is publicize it in that manner and they will follow.


I have a solution. Mentorship, and I can prove to you it works, I have a handful of service men and women that I have mentored and I can tell  you they are the top professionals you can expect to support and defend the Constitution, one of them has been such a great apprentice that I am proud to say he has surpassed me in rank, and I am ok with that because I know he will lead in the manner I trained him.

If I can get IDF off the ground I can hook up many of these miss guided sailors, marines, airmen and soldiers to a true Oath Keeper, and together we can get our defenses back for our Constitution. I hope you join me.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Today's post is going to be a bit different and I hope to get your participation. I want to pose the question and you choose which answer best fits you.

Are the military air strikes in Syria and Iraq lawful?

a. Yes, the Commander-in-Chief has the power to order an attack at any time any where
b. No, but since its to fight terrorism it is ok
c. Yes, because it is sanctioned by the UN
d. No, per the Constitution only Congress of the United States can "... declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;"

Go ahead and answer in the comment area below, after I tally up the answers tomorrow I will base my next post base off the results.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

How you can support

So I got this idea from talking to a new friend today, which  I greatly appreciate since he will be helping by his generous donations. I also came up with the idea from something I observed from the many kind souls that I have met on the streets through out the years.

What I have observed is that when asking for money, most people are hesitant, for million of reasons, 90% of it unfounded and unjustified, 10% is usually true concern. I will explain with a little experience I had while in Waukegan, IL during the coldest month of the year.

I had gone to pick up two Little Caesar pizzas, one for myself and one for my roommate (which he didn't know I was picking him one up). On my way back to my barracks room I had remembered that I didn't have anything to drink in the fridge. So I stopped at a Seven Eleven to get a 2 litter. When I walked in there were a couple that appeared to be homeless. They were very young, I would say in their early 20s. Minding my own business I picked up my drink and went to get in line when the only cashier started getting into a dispute with the couple. He started yelling at them saying that he has told them a thousand times before not to come back, they told him that they had money to buy some hot coffees to keep them warm, the cashier didn't care and told them he has called the cops and just kept yelling at them. I told the guy to please ring me out, he was holding up the line, he ignored me, he was so fixated with the young couple that it was like he was blinded. When the cops finally arrived the cashier explained to the cop that he had refused service to the couple before and that they came back and he wanted them out of his store. They cop puzzled of what was going on asked the couple to exit the store to ask them questions, by the time I got my drink paid for I exited the store and I saw the young couple in the parking lot, holding each other to keep warm and the girl was crying and the guy was trying to comfort her telling her that he would get her to the shelter and they would be OK. I went to my car, grabbed one of the pizzas and brought it out to them, they were shocked and so appreciative, but I wasn't going to leave it at that, I asked them about the shelter, they said it was 5 mi away and that they had to walk, I looked around and I saw a motel, so I drove them to the motel and I paid for the night. They did not once asked me for money. They just needed to be warm, even if it was for a few hours.

This is what I need from you. I need your support and resources, because what I, you and IDF can do is so much to defend and support the Constitution. What we can do together can keep our future secured for generations to come. Along the way we will touch the lives of veterans that are in desperate need of the support of the people that they once served. If you have resources to help me raise IDF feel free to donate it. It can be posters designed by you to promote IDF, it can be office supplies, it can even be an office you can donate time for us to work in, you tell me what you can donate.

Email me at

Saturday, October 18, 2014

J Steven Davis

As promised, I wanted to to share with you the remarkable story of Steve Davis and what journey. As I had mentioned, I met Steve at an Oath Keepers meeting in San Diego where he was a guest speaker. Steve has lived a very interesting life. Escaping death in multiple occasions, nothing prepared him for the government he served under to turn on him.

Let me begin with bringing to light Steve's amazing career, from beginning to present.
  • U.S. Air Force as an Aircraft Records Tech, Legal USAF/CAP Service Specialist, Claims Investigator, Staff Judge Advocate, JAG, Aviation SAR/CN, Command Pilot
  • La Verne Police Dept. Police Officer, Use of Force Instructor
  • Parker Hannifin Corporation as Deputy Director of Contracts and Contract Administrator
  • James S. Davis and Associates as Civil Trial Attorney and Corporate Counsel
  • California Private Attorney General Group, APC as a Chief Counsel and Class Action Plaintiff Attorney Wage and Overtime Cases
  • Central Intelligence Agency Contracted Field Agent - Classified
  • San Bernardino Sheriff Dept. as Specialized Detectives Bomb-Arson; Major Fraud Investigations; Aviation SAR/CN, LEO Transport
  • Arroyo Grande Fire Department Administrative Battalion Chief; Fire Investigation Unit; California Cert. Peace Officer
  • Barstow Fire Protection Administrative District (Retired) as Deputy Chief, Assistant Fire Marshal, and California Cert. Peace Officer
  • Litigation Logistics Group, Inc as Chief Operations Officer, Expert Witness and Legal Researcher
So as you can see, Steve lives to serve the people and uphold the Constitution. So why did the US Government go after Steve? Here is his story as told by him.

"I am a Certified Class Action Plaintiff Wage Attorney. I have sued and won over ten multi-million dollar cases against such companies such as TJ Maxx, Ross Dress for Less, Ritz Camera and others. After a television interview I did I was contacted by the United States Postal Inspector who asked me to investigate the U.S. Postal Service for not paying overtime.
I determined that he had a case so I filed a Class Action Case for the Postal Inspectors. The Defense Counsel was the U.S. Attorney, Los Angeles. No sooner had I filed that case then the same office charged me with Tax Evasion and illegal carrying a duty weapon. They cannot not do both because of the Conflict of Interest, that is prosecuting opposing Counsel. The Federal Public Defender did not conduct a defense and although I later proved I was innocent, I am still fighting that case. The Government refuses to give me the proof they control on my actual innocence. So I remain a "convicted felon" and lost 5 years of my life as a "guest" of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. My new Attorney has tried to discuss this Brady v. Maryland violation with the U.S. Attorney but they refuse to discuss it. My cases in the Central District of California are 04-CR-0770 and 04-CR-0771. The Assistant U.S. Attorney on the case is Ruth Pinkel."

Steve told me his story after I went to him for research on the claims of the Government's Income Tax being unconstitutional, of which was for my post "Constitution (Part 2)"

I can't stress my brothers and sister in arms enough that we sworn an oath to defend and support the Constitution. What will it take? What would we do if our own government attacked the Constitution? These are questions that are important now. This is what we need to prepare for.


I had an interesting exchange of comments on a Google+ post which I found completely pointless. The post was on the US Military Community which is owned by Tony S.O. (A.K.A. Sargent Tony Hardass?) and the post was from him. Here is a screenshot

 So he claims that under President Obama there hasn't been a Surgeon General. Misleading the members of the community in order to discredit President Obama. Now keep in mind, I don't give two shits about President Obama, he is my Commander-in-Chief. But how many times have I mentioned my loyalty is not to him but to the Constitution of the United States?

I was compelled to correct the discrepancy because I felt that this post was misleading and disrespectful to the current Acting Surgeon General. Here are the series of comments:

James Pace
Yesterday 3:35 PM 
You realize that the Surgeon General is a military position, right? Have you ever seen a ship without a Commanding Officer? There is a Surgeon General, just not one confirmed by the Senate. In any military position there will always be someone filling it. Here is your Acting Surgeon General, how about we give credit where credit is due, Rear Admiral (RADM) Boris D. Lushniak, M.D., M.P.H. He has earned the position due to his unwavering sense of duty and commitment to the Constitution of the United States. Not rooting for President Obama on this one, just my fellow brother in arms.
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Tony S.O.
Yesterday 4:00 PM
The position of Surgeon General has been vacant since July 2013. You do realize that no active duty military commander's position has been ever left vacant for a year and a half. That's just plain dereliction on the part of politicians particularly the POTUS and Congress. I'm certain the interim is a fine man, but that's not the point of this post. The fact remains that bipartisan interests and a stubborn refusal to act in the best interests of the US rather than political arm wrestling has resulted in what is an embarrassing stalemate.
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James Pace
Yesterday 4:24 PM 
It is not Vacant though, the position is filled. Every Naval Ship in the U.S. Navy has a CO, it always is filled because if not you can't run a ship. Every CO must be sanctioned by Congress to be filled, if there was ever anytime where that is not the case due to a firing of a CO someone will always be there to fill the spot until Congress puts someone else in. The Surgeon General is no different, he is the CO of the Commission Health Corps. Trust me Tony, I highly dislike President Obama as much as you do, but this doesn't prove anyone that he is an evil man, all it says is that since RADM Lushniak is doing such a fine job, it is not a priority to find someone to replace him at this point. You mislead people by saying there isn't a Surgeon General when there is an amazing one in office right now
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Tony S.O.
Yesterday 5:36 PM 
+James Pace I'm not misleading anyone. I served six years in a boomer so you're preaching to the choir. Never in the annals of military history has a command been left neglected and unfilled for longer than a very short period in which the chain of command is utilized. This position has not been permanantly filled for almost a year and a half. You are actually misleading people with your apple and orange analogy of active duty military officers compared to a politically appointed post that happens to bear a military rank. To say there's "no difference" is ludicrous. Again, whether the interim is doing well or not is moot. And yet again, it's not the essence of this post.
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James Pace
Yesterday 6:29 PM
I think I have said enough that people will make their own conclusions. My personal opinion, I think many of my brothers and sisters in arms, like your self, are fighting the wrong fight. There is a greater enemy than some petty politicians. Guess what when that enemy launches its attack to destroy the Constitution, we won't be prepared because we were to worried about a position being filled or not
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Tony S.O.
Yesterday 6:36 PM 
+James Pace Thats pure bullshit. I would like to think most patriots can multitask. The "petty politicians" are the reason the US is in dire straits today. Try to think past the unfilled position to the deeper underlying problem. The lack of cohesion and the avarice that exists in our country's leadership has been and continues to be the single most detrimental facet to a united people.
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James Pace
Yesterday 6:47 PM
You can go ahead and play patriot and listen to Rush Limbaugh and watch Fox News, or if you are on the other side, watch Andy Cooper and CNN. I will keep watch and defend and support the Constitution against the enemy that was warned by Presidents Thomas Jefferson, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.
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Tony S.O.
Yesterday 8:02 PM
+James Pace I was wondering how long it would be before you became personal in this discussion. It's a sign of cognitive deficiency and immaturity you know. Don't feel bad. Most liberals resort to footstomping when they are in above their heads. I will retort. You are presumptuous to even pretend to know my political inclinations. What is it that you do so gallantly to "support the Constitution" other than say you do. Actually as I see you, your nothing more than a poor, frustrated liberal defending the undefendable. Carry on little man.
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James Pace
Yesterday 8:28 PM
Just goes to show how much you would know my brother. Nearly 10 years of honoring my oath to support and defend the Constitution and continue to do so. I plan to mentor and train others what that means. Trust me my brother it has nothing to do with politics. The Constitution is beyond that. It is under attack by a far greater enemy than what you are fighting, and the only ones that will be able to defend it are those that have taken the oath to defend it and understand what that means, and what it will take.
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Tony S.O.
4:14 AM
+James Pace Since you've mentioned it at least 15 times, I have six years active duty DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION and 20+ years as a street cop where we are sworn to DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION. Know your audience pal.
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James Pace
9:05 AM
I know my audience, all I see is a hick that things defending the Constitution means bashing people over the internet and posting unfounded propaganda. I don't even want to imagine how you were as a cop. I know plenty of good cops that believe in upholding the Constitution, but I have met just as many that don't even know what that means, they go and abuse their power violating peoples Constitutional rights, arresting without cause, search and seizure without a warren or probable cause. I don't think you would know the first thing it means to uphold the Constitution of the United States, as a matter in fact you will probably ban me from the group or something like that and violating my First Amendment Right.
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Tony S.O.
9:32 AM
NYC is a hick town? You know what, you began this little tirade. As I said before, you're a presumptuous small minded liberal who believes he's a hero and touts his great constitutional prowess. Learn up son. Not everyone wraps themselves in the flag and expects accolades. Your First Ammendment rights...lmfao. They don't apply to privately run social communities you fool. Read a book man!
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James Pace
10:04 AM
you heard it from +Tony S.O. he is above the supreme law of the land, said like a true NYC Police Officer. This is to the rest of you, if you believe I am a liberal, you will reconsider if you read my blog and see what I am doing to preserve the Constitution

This is my cause, this should be your cause. This is the type of training our young new generation of law enforcement officers, military members are getting. They don't have the first clue of what it means to defend your Constitutional Rights. If this doesn't inspire you to help me support the cause of IDF then I am not sure what will.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Constitution (Part 2)

As I mentioned in Part 1, I have been doing some reading and research into the Constitution and the government's unlawful acts. One of the topics I ran into was the Income Tax. I have read from many conspirators that the Income Tax is unconstitutional and how there are no laws allowing the government to tax income or no laws forcing citizens to pay income taxes to the government.

I decided to look further into it. I contacted a gentlemen that I have met at an Oath Keepers meeting. He specializes in investigating conspiracy theories involving the constitution. His name is Steve Davis and boy has he lived an extroardinary life. As a matter in fact I am working on a blog just about his life story that I am sure you will enjoy. In the mean time I will tell you what I have learned from him in regards of the income tax conspiracy.

I emailed him asking the following questions:

  1. Is the Federal Income Tax Constitutional or not?
  2. If is or not, how would I know?
His response was the following:

The basis of this "conspiracy" is that the 16th amendment was passed in two different sessions of congress. There is nothing in the Constitution that says this cannot be done. It has been raised as a defense in tax cases including one in the 9th circuit and was denied. What I think is illegal in the IRS has passed regulations that are in excess of their authority and they are now using their authority as a political weapon. That is very illegal, but the U.S. Attorney is helping them.

Steve as a matter in fact has been a victim of the IRS and its abuse of power. Steve is a retired Air Force Officer and has been in investigator, police officer, lawyer, even a pilot. So why did the IRS go after Steve?

Steve at the time was serving as Certified Class Action Plaintiff Wage Attorney, who has won plenty of high profile cases. One case would change his life forever. After a television interview a United States Postal Inspector contacted Steve and asked him to investigate the U.S. Postal Service for not paying overtime. He determined that he had a really good case and filed for a class action lawsuit. Not to long after the Postal Service pressed charges on Steve for tax evasion and illegal carry of a duty weapon. He still continues to fight this case and the IRS refuses to show the proof they apparently have. Because of the continues battle, Steve is labeled as a "convicted felon" without a fair trial.

For my blog on Steve I will explain more on his case. But, from what I have told you already you can see that the government will go to great lengths to protect themselves instead of doing what is called for them to do by the Constitution and that is to defend it's citizens. 

So is the income tax unconstitutional, from everything I have read, and from what I have learned from Steve, I have determined it is not. However, does that make your government constitutional? I think I have explained enough in this blog for your to make your own determination.

Stay tuned for my blog on Steve Davis and his amazing story.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Constitution (Part I)

Most of my readers are probably veterans, anti-globalists, and of course constitutionalists. Or so most of them say they are. I've been doing a lot of research lately into the Constitution. I also been looking into legislation passed by congress,  policies made by the executive branch, and all the other bulls**t that comes out of Washington lately. Then something dawn to me.

Art I Sec 4
"The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day."

Art I Sec 6
"The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place."

Art I Sec 7
"All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills."

Oh and my favorite Section of Article I of the Constitution, the whole section:
Art I Sec 8
"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;—And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Are any of these sections being upheld by our government? There are many more that are not being followed but these are the ones I am touching on right now. And keep in mind that out of all of the ones mentioned only one had an amendment, it changed the day Congress meets from 1st Monday of December to the 3rd day of January.

So has anything the Government have been doing Constitutional?(Rhetorical question) Yet we allow them to do it. We fought the British for violating our basic human rights, for imposing unfair and illegal taxes, for stealing, for no representation, for abuse of military power imposed on civilians, the list goes on. Yet the United States Federal Government is doing it to you and you shrug your shoulders. They purposely violate the supreme law of the land and you stand by as it is nothing.

My last blog I quoted Thomas Jefferson, "Every citizen should be a soldier... ." Here is the most important part of the Constitution in my opinion:

Bill of Rights, 10th Amendment
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Through out history there has been many in government that have mocked, ignored, snubbed at this article, yet it is the most important, it is the article that prohibits the Government from oversteping its bounds set by the Constitution. It puts the power in the hands of the American Citizen.

Here is one other article I want you to put thought into:
Bill of Rights, 2nd Amendment
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

Brothers and Sister in Arms, Brothers and Sisters in Law Enforcement, local Public Servants, you are the security of the free States, along with every other citizen of the United States of America. The difference between you and a civilian is that you made an oath to uphold the constitution, to defend and support it.

Monday, October 13, 2014


President Thomas Jefferson once said "Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state." Today I see to many of my brothers and sisters in arms playing politician instead of doing what they sworn to do.

Politics is no place for a soldier. We must not play such trivial game. Our game is the game of strategy, honor, courage, commitment and fidelity. Our commitment and loyalty is to the Constitution. So I beg you my brothers and sisters, stop this nonsense of playing politics. Stop choosing a side with congressmen and women who say nothing but lies to get themselves into office so they can be among the privileged.

Stop with the conservative vs. liberal scuffles. It is trivial, prepare yourself, there is an actual war coming and it is right outside your door. The politicians are not going to save you. Your brothers and sisters in arms will. There is a whole new generation of service men and women that can help us. They just need our help to guide them to the right direction. That is what Inception of Defending Freedom is all about, it begins at our oath. Leave the politics to the politicians. We are soldiers, sailors, airmen, coast guardsmen and marines. As I quoted from the great President, every citizen should be a soldier, we are going to need every one of them.

Follow no one man or woman, we have something better than that. We have a supreme document that trumps any man. We have the Constitution. As long as the orders pass down to you are constitutional then follow them to your best capabilities, if someone tries to defile the Constitution, defend it with your life, if someone even thinks about violating any of the basic human rights inherited to every American, defend them.

Join me.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

I'm pissed off

Here is the reason why I am pissed off. I am doing more research on the demographics and statistics of homeless and/or unemployed veterans. This paragraph hurts:

"The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) states that the nation’s homeless veterans are predominantly male, with roughly 8% being female. The majority are single; live in urban areas; and suffer from mental illness, alcohol and/or substance abuse, or co-occurring disorders. About 12% of the adult homeless population are veterans." from NCHV.ORG

It hurts because I can see me ending up in this statistic and most of all it hurts to see my brothers and sisters that are in this statistic. What is more disturbing about that paragraph is that it is reported by the VA. If the f***ing VA knows about it, why aren't they doing anything about it.

 This is the reported budget from the VA.

59,067,000,000 for medicare? Yet 12% of homeless are Veterans ("There are 610,042 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in the United States", ref., majority due to lack of mental health care. This f***ing sick. I personally suffer from mental health issues and when I get out this is what I am looking forward to.

Look, I get it, the government the military is managed by is corrupt and is constantly violating the Constitution, and many service members don't realize that some of the orders given to them violates the Constitution, but that is what IDF is about, we are committed to put in the effort to bring awareness to the new generation of heroes. Don't punish the my brothers and sisters in arms, they made an oath to uphold the Constitution and they did the best they could. When they took the oath they really believed in it.

Here are the kind of things I can see IDF doing for my brothers and sisters, and it is just the least we would do, imagine with your support how much more we can do.

There are a number of ways you can support IDF:

Friday, October 10, 2014

Let Us Take Action

Ok, so I didn't get to go shoot some footage I wanted today for my special blog post today. The reason is because I broke my finger today and spent a good chunk of my time at an ER.

So hopefully I can do this without it.

My plan was to go interview several unemployed and/or homeless veterans so they can explain for themselves what led them to that point in their life. I personally have talked to a few of these unfortunate veterans, and the theme is pretty common. Our government (which is meant to be us the people) has abandoned these vets, turned a blind eye, and a lot of us citizens has done the same, by not giving them the opportunity to maintain a job. The truth is, employers are afraid of veterans due to so many suffer from mental illness such as depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders and others. Employers don't want to deal with it, even though its the same employers and citizens that have gotten them to that point for not standing up against the government.

So what I want to do is grow IDF to a bigger entity to help support my brothers and sisters. So I started a GoFundMe campaign. The funds will be used to gather the resources necessary to support our cause and 50% of what ever amount we make will go directly to help give a hand up to as many veterans we can. So please help. As a little incentive, if you donate $100 or more, you will receive an IDF t-shirt. Please lets put things into action. Lets actually do what this country has been begging for someone to do for a long time. Lets take action. Thank you in advance for your support.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Training Time!

So someone I admire very much posted a very interesting documentary titled "America Freedom to Fascism" by Aaron Russo on Google Plus. Now, I am not much one to discuss taxation laws, federal reserve or definition of income, all though I believe it is all very unconstitutional.

What caught my eye on the documentary is the section on what happened in New Orleans during Katrina. I was disturbed by the fact that an officer of the National Guard in the video knew and expressed that what they were doing was wrong yet he followed his orders anyways. So if you know that the order is unlawful why in the hell would you follow them. I trimmed the video to that portion of the documentary so you can see for yourself.

Again, don't follow unlawful orders if you know they are unlawful, because you made an oath to support and defend the Constitution, that means not to infringe in citizens rights inherited by the Constitution in the Bill of Rights. It is your duty as a member of the United States Armed Forces to disobey, challenge and report all unlawful orders.

I want to know your thoughts, please comment below.

Tomorrow's blog will be something special, so please stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ebola bandwagon

Alright, so every news, social, blogging and community media is on this Ebola deal and I realized, hey I haven't really talked about this that much.

I decided to jump on the bandwagon after I read Lisa Haven's article "“We’re Screwed” Says White House Correspondent and Gov Document Surfaces Exposing the Real Truth Behind Ebola and how More Trouble is Headed Our Way…. Please Don’t Miss This!" and watched her clip on it. Now when I was watching her clip she displayed this image which she states that it is a prediction map by Northeastern University predicting which countries and how bad they are hit by Ebola in the future. But look at this image, for us military types, doesn't it look like an attack plan?

So in Lisa Haven's clip she talks about medical journals that she discovered that talks about how viruses like Ebola can be used as a bio-weapon, great article by the way, I will leave a link at the end. So I think, how likely is it that it already is used as a weapon. Let us think here for a second, look at this map, you know how they came up with this map, by flight plans of commercial airlines, wait the f*** one minute, why haven't we shut down flights from countries like Liberia, hold the f*** one minute, we are being attacked AND ITS F***ING PLANNED OUT!

Call me crazy, it is just a thought, this doesn't even fall into my category of blogging, I just felt like I should put my thoughts out there, mind them or not. I am officially on the Ebola bandwagon.